Storm in a Teacup, 2009

A tea ceremony at breakneck speed

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Video installation. Kyoto Art Center, Japan, 2009

In Japan, special rites are used in order to transcend time and honor the changing seasons.
‘Storm in a Teacup’ is a visual meditation about the passage of time.
The installation contrasts a timeless ceremony with the accelerating speed of modern life.

Continuous HD video projection, 8 minutes

Written and directed by Ram Katzir

Cinematography and sound design by Yoav Dagan

Final mix by Guy Steer

Cast: Tea master: Nara Mutsuko (Sohboku)

Tea ceremony guests: Yukiko Enoki, Emi Onishi, Reiko Matsui

Special appearance by: Nozomi N700 bullet train

Monk: Daiko Matsuyama, Taizo-In Zen Temple

Photos by Tomas Svab and RK

Co-produced by Fonds BKVB, the Netherlands and Tint Post Productions, Johannesburg, South Africa

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