Shadows, 2022

Vanished people. Resurfaced

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Memorial to the major raid in Olympiaplein square, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

9 life-size shadows made of asphalt. Total installation dimensions approx. 200m

Created with Laura Borgstein, Zara Hoeffelman and Anne Kleijn, students from Het Amsterdam Lyceum.

The Olympiaplein square was one of the assembly points for Amsterdam’s Jews during the major raid on 20 June 1943. On that day approximately 5,500 Jews were rounded up by order of the occupying forces. The asphalt shadows are based on the shadows of the Jews shown in the photo of the Dutch collaborator and NSB member Herman Heukels.  The original photo was recreated with 3D software using archival ground plans.

Commissioned by the Municipality of Amsterdam.

Spatial design by Architectural Prescription

Photos by Allard Bovenberg

View making of video 

Read the New York Times article