Petrification, 2016

On cultural burdens and emotional baggage

work 24/47

Is it possible to carry a place with you?

Hanna Arendt memorial,

Friedland Museum, Kaliningrad (formerly Königsberg, Arendt’s youth was spent here), Russia

Jerusalem stone, bronze, 54 x 86 x 18 cm

Curated by Yulia Bardun

Petrification, 2006

Sculpture. Various locations

Jerusalem stone, metal, leather, 60 x 90 x 20 cm

Installation view in Akademie der Wissenschaften Berlin, Germany

The German-Jewish philosopher Hanna Arendt was arrested by the Gestapo in this library in 1933.

Presented as part of the exhibition Hanna Arendt Denkraum, Berlin, Germany 2006

Curated by Katharina Kaiser

Both projects were realized with support of the Mondriaan Fund